The Faculty (1998)

The Faculty has an incredibly simple but also compelling hook. It’s an alien invasion at a high school that combines the usual alienation teenagers can feel in such an environment and then packs literal alienation on top when slowly first all the teachers and figures of authority and then all their classmates get turned.

What sells this is that those turned aren’t just aliens but rather their former selves unhinged from all moral and ethical restraints, pure id. The alien takeover makes the school environment even worse in terms of bullying and harassment and that is really what sells it. To fight back you have a collection of losers or those at the sides of things that don’t exactly follow social norms and it’s the perfect mix.

While this is technically a horror movie, the thrills here are mostly CGI (early one at that that doesn’t look great anymore) and don’t look all that horrific. What it has is fast-paced action and some really tense moments as the underdogs really don’t look like they can win this fight. Some of the later plot twists are a bit ludicrous and overall the final reveal is not a moment that bears too much scrutiny but if you go with the flow this is still pretty entertaining.

I watched this ages ago when I was much closer to being a teenager than I am now but I still find it rather enjoyable. Not as great as when I was younger but still pretty good.

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