Blame! (1998-2003)

My second read of Tsutomu Nihei’s unique manga about a loner traveling through the confines of a Dyson sphere. The art is still awesome and despite me having seen it already, it still manages to impress me. Partly because it’s quite unique in comparison to other manga, but even similar-looking stuff from some European artists hasn’t tackled the same theme. Nobody before and since then has been able to communicate the size of an SFnal mega-structure as well. In that regard, it does stand quite alone.

The story is another matter. While it’s rather sparse in the beginning, it does present an intriguing variant of technology and humans growing apart. But instead of following the main story that starts everything, the whole plot stalls the furthering of said development and gets sidetracked by other developments, until the ending comes around, which is quite disappointing. It’s not completely without merit, but you’ll get the feeling as if the author has lost interest or written himself into a corner.

Still, even with the story this flawed, it’s quite an experience.