Injustice (2021)

I was really hesitant to watch this because I find the source material this is based on rather distasteful (it’s an alternate universe where Superman goes evil after the Joker killed his wife and unborn kid and destroyed all of Metropolis), but I gave it a chance to see whether it would change my opinion. Not much luck. This is misery porn from start to finish that gave its writers a blanket check to kill as many heroes as they could in a way I already found annoying when I watched the Flashpoint Paradox.

This is just juvenile and not very interesting. With better writing, this might have worked, but the heroes and the villains rush through the plot like there’s no tomorrow, heroes are killed left and right for pure shock value without care or respect, Superman goes cringy evil from zero to 100% and some of the plot developments are so obvious even a moron could have seen it in advance, but not the smart heroes apparently.

Heck, the source material may be better at this than this adaptation, but as it is, this movie is a sad excuse for a DCU animated movie. There’ve been worse, but this is still low-ranking garbage overall. The animation quality at least is solid, even if the visual style isn’t particularly interesting.

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