Batman: The Long Halloween (2021)

The Long Halloween is a two-movie adaptation of a comic by Jeph Loeb with the same name. I’ve never read the original so I can’t say anything about how well it works as an adaptation. As a movie, I’m ok with it. It’s basically about Batman early in his career who together with Police Captain Jim Gordon and Harvey Dent tries to stop one high-ranking mob boss, only to see this plan derailed as an enigmatic killer slowly murders everyone around said mob boss on various holidays (hence he is nick-named Holiday).

It has good animation quality with a style that reminded me a bit of the original animated DCU Batman series, which I enjoyed. It felt a bit repetitive in how often it seemed to suggest a murderer to the audience only to then disprove it and also throw various famous Batman villains into the plot to stretch out the runtime. With a bit of cutting this could have been made into one movie of 2 hours instead of two 2 hours movies, without losing much of plot-relevant stuff. There’s a lot of filler material, amusing and rarely tedious, but the two movies feel like they went on far too long. And the final reveal was kinda anti-climactic.

Compared to other DCU animated movies, it’s a solid outing that doesn’t quite reach the echelon of the better ones, but it’s a good watch if you don’t mind its length.

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