Zombieland (2009)

Zombieworld is a typical dramedy, one of those strange beasts of modern TV/movie narration that effortlessly mix drama and comedy without one aspect completely dominating, where both aspects somehow manage to complement each other. It’s about yet another zombieapocalypse, which sees most of humanity reduced to blood-splattered, flesh eating monsters. Nothing particularly original there, but the approach certainly is funny.

The main character is your everyday shy geek who doesn’t have many friends, thus easily surviving the infectious early days of the zombieplague. He’s on his way home, following a set of self-imposed rules that seem completely arbitrary and mostly humorous, yet are often quite helpful. On his way he meets a gun-tooting hardcase who loves nothing more than killing zombies and two trickster sisters.

The comedy aspect is easy, think Shaun of the Dead but even more tongue-in-cheek and IMHO funnier. The drama aspect stems from the main character’s search for a family, which he finds unexpectedly in the other survivors. Like most successful dramedies it’s highly entertaining, but has enough brains to also appeal on more than just the pure fun level. The characters are real and their personal problems, despite zombieapocalypse, touching and something you can relate to.